Go to the Spanish version of this post.
I am Luis Camacho Mateo, the sport scientist behind the translation of Trayn to Spanish. In this post, I will tell you about the translation and my perspective – as a new member of the team – on what Trayn has to offer.
The translations had to be comprehensive and include the entire Trayn platform, so that all the Spanish speaking customers gain access to the whole toolset Trayn offers coaches. This includes all the information that appears on the web app and Android & iOS apps.
After the applications, I translated over 100 exercises so that new users have some quality material when they start using Trayn. I also prepared a separate environment we want to use to demonstrate Trayn features to potential clients. When signing up, you can start with Spanish exercises and plans right away. It has been a lot of work but the effort has been worthwhile.
Trayn has many remarkable features, but for now I will emphasize on the Micro and Macro tools.
The Micro is a powerful instrument for designing training sessions and individualizing them for your athletes, since it allows you full freedom to design whatever exercise you want, as you can edit the text, images, videos, training areas, and training parameters. This means that any exercise for every single sport can be created, no matter if it’s a strength exercise, a sports tactical system, or a post-workout massage.

Moreover, the Macro is an unprecedented tool for designing long term periodizations. You feel that you are playing a sports coaching videogame while you are creating the yearly plans for your athletes. What a difference from old excel sheets…

It’s super easy and intuitive to use and you can also add all the desired training areas and emphasize them differently on every single week of the year.

You can start a trial with Spanish localized content right away: After signing up, choose the template ES - Deportes de Equipo y Alto Rendimiento in the configuration wizard.
Finally, please tell us what language should be the next for Trayn. We want to offer Trayn to as many users as possible and your vote counts. You can use the comments here, or join the conversation on Facebook, or Twitter.
Feel free to contact me at luis@trayn.com, I will gladly answer whatever question you have.
Enjoy your training!