For a while now, we have been writing articles Medium and the experience was very good: It’s easier for authors to prepare their articles and the experience for readers is extremely good.
Continue ReadingService providers everywhere on the internet protect their websites with HTTPS. Previously, HTTPS was only used for login forms and pages that transmitted confidential data over the wire (e.g. your credit card information). A lot around this has changed in recent years and encryption is becoming the standard for the entire web. In this post, we will go through the steps we have taken to secure which currently runs on Heroku.
Continue ReadingPlanning a year or season in advance can be very complicated or fairly simple. The concept of periodization has been around for decades. It’s a multi-layered process and it can be defined as a long-term structure of training and practice to maximize performance to coincide with the competition schedule.
Continue ReadingIn order to be able to perform best during peak season many athletes train with too little variation or too intensively. Training should be specific, targeted at the energy system involved in the particular sports.Thus, training intensity is essential for reaching maximum performance. Nevertheless, the question coaches always face is how to prepare their athletes best during off season. Cal Dietz and Matthew Van Dyke have some great pieces of advice to share.
Continue ReadingWe make it a priority at Trayn to communicate with our clients, keeping up on how they are using our tool, and which ways they could further use Trayn to simplify, save time, and achieve their goals. One thing that has come up multiple times with our Professional teams in North America and Europe is the use of post game player evaluation, and player self-evaluation questionnaires.
Following up on base aerobic training and injury resistance aspects in the first post on _metabolic injury prevention running_, in this post, we continue with more practical examples and present training close to competition levels (game speed training) and go through the different phases in off-season preparation programmes.
Continue ReadingAerobic training lays the foundation upon which all other methods of training are built. If this base aerobic training is ignored, specific, high-intensity training cannot be supported in later training cycles because an athlete will not achieve maximal benefits from the high-intensity work. We will present how Metabolic Injury Prevention Running enhances an athlete's aerobic abilities.
Continue ReadingWith so many variables contributing to an athlete’s performance on a day to day basis, it’s tough to know exactly why a player is performing so well or poorly at any given moment. Sleep, diet, injuries, soreness, and overall level of fitness all contribute to how an athlete feels on any given day.
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