It has been a while since your last mobile update because we’ve been hard at work bringing two awesome features to our mobile apps: new exercise view and past workouts.
The first one is an overhauled exercise view: We removed all unnecessary clutter and tried to keep it as simple as possible, making it cleaner and more readable. Video links and attached Dropbox links are now more visually prominent on the top.
The second and highly requested addition is the ability to access past workouts. Until now you had to go to your browser, if you forgot to track a workout or just wanted to look up something from the past. That’s now history with the new history view. We spent some time to figure out what would be the best solution to switch between the past and future workouts. Our goal was to make it as intuitive as possible, but still respecting the design guidelines of each platform. Therefore we went over a few iterations and sorted out the pros and cons of each of them.
Our first intention was to just add it to the sidebar. Good thing about that? It would be really easy. Though we felt that it didn’t really belong there since we already had a training item in the navigation, it should be a hierarchy level below. Additionally our iOS app has the navigation on the bottom and adding it there would crush the whole navigation bar.
The second idea was to add past workouts above the future ones. So when opening the app, you would still start at your current workout, but by scrolling up you could navigate to your past workouts. We dismissed this as well, because adding this feature would mean giving up on the “pull-to-refresh” functionality.
The way we solved (and eventually implemented) it was with a toggle in the top right corner. By default you’ll still see your workouts from today and beyond. By clicking the toggle you switch to the history view and by scrolling down you can browse all the way back to your first ever Trayn-powered workout. What a nostalgic feeling that will be.
Have fun and get the updates for iOS and Android while they’re still fresh. Also use the comments below or twitter/facebook to tell us what you think about that.